Certificate of Registration

Copyright Registration Number: 67YA1J3

CopyrightFrance.com, Website registered under number 2104 by the State Prosecutor
of the High Court of Evreux (FRANCE) certifies having delivered the certificate of
the original following registration

Name of the registrant: Rimbault Cédric

Title or URL of the registered document: http://www.affiliation.info

Description: Ce site Internet est à la fois un guide, un comparateur, un forum et un annuaire ; le contenu du dit site Internet, qui est multilingue, concerne les programmes d'affiliation et les plateformes d'affiliation de tous les pays. En supplément, sur le dit site Internet, des articles y sont rédigés pour informer les visiteurs.

Date / time of the registration: 30-03-2018 à 19:14

The submitted document has been time stamped by a RGS
qualified Certification Authority and ETSI TS 102 023 certified.

Paris (date) 30-03-2018 - The publication manager G.E.E. :

Official signature and seal

Reminder : (code of the intellectual property, extracts) :

  Point L.335-2. All publishing of written documents, musical composition, drawing painting or any other totally or partly printed, engraved production regardless of the laws and regulations concerning author's property is a forgery and any forgery is an offence. In France, forgery of published work in France or abroad is punished by 3 years in prison and a 300.000 euros fine. Will be punished the same way selling export and import of counterfeit work.

  Point L.335-3. Is also considered a forgery offence all reproduction , representation or circulation
 by any mean, of piece of spiritual work by violating the author's rights, as they are set and regulated by law.
 Is also considered as a forgery offence the violation one of the owner of the software's rights.

Warning : under no circumstances would the website or the Certification Authority guarantee or legitimize any use of registered documents .The authenticity given by this registration is only on the date and time of the registration as well as the existence of the  registered documents. This registration would never be a substitute to a legal registration as decided by law, especially regarding patents, brands, RCS, ISBN, rules for competition games, etc.This certificate of registration would never be a substitute to an official affidavit.
Beware ! all use without the author's authorization will be considered an offence and will lead to proceedings.
Every modification or copy of this document will lead to proceedings.

Official Copyright-France wax seal